"abc" Race Rules

You will notice that besides the race path there is a Student icon, with a light bulb over it, a Mentor icon, a large space with a question mark, a large space with the game name, and two message windows. One message window indicates what lap the race is on, and the other keeps track of whose turn it is.

The Student clicks on the Student icon to begin the race. When it is clicked the question mark space will show a number that is the number of spaces the Student icon will move. Clicking on the Student icon a second time will move the Student icon one space at a time, and the game name space will reveal a letter. That completes the Student's turn, so the Mentor then clicks on the mentor icon to begin their turn and a sequence similar to the student's turn will follow to move the mentor icon. Clicking on the question mark space will move a racer's icon back to where it started at the end of their turn.

Level 1 play is just a race around the course getting familiar with the play and seeing that numbers and letters alternately pop up with each racer's turn.

Level 2 play gives an opportunity for the Student to send the Mentor's piece back to where it started if the Student can name the letter that shows on the Mentor's turn.

Level 3 play adds the requirement that the Student's piece is moved back to where it started if the Student isn't able to name the letter that shows on their turn.